Autor: alant

  • Flying kites in front of the factory gate of Tesla

    Flying kites in front of the factory gate of Tesla

    On Friday, May 10th, we will take our protest to the factory gate of Tesla to show: Come to the Tesla factory with us on Friday, May 10th from 9am to 6pm. We want to make our protest visible and start a conversation with each other. From 12am we will make kites together, which we…

  • Drachensteigen vor dem Werkstor von Tesla

    Drachensteigen vor dem Werkstor von Tesla

    Am Freitag den 10. Mai ziehen wir mit unserem Protest vor das Werkstor von Tesla, um zu zeigen: Kommt am Freitag den 10. Mai von 9 bis 18 Uhr mit uns zur Tesla-Fabrik. Wir wollen unseren Protest sichtbar machen und miteinander ins Gespräch kommen. Ab 12 Uhr basteln wir gemeinsam Drachen, die wir dann hochsteigen…

  • This concerns all of us! Info event about the fights against Tesla

    This concerns all of us! Info event about the fights against Tesla

    May 3rd | 6pm | Kiezraum at the Dragonerareal (Mehringdamm, behind the tax office) ❗Tesla wants to expand its factory in Grünheide and double production – we have to stop this ❗ Sometimes we only become aware of a political dispute when it’s already too late. We are moving towards distribution battles for water and…