„Wir stehen der Erweiterung der Tesla-Autofabrik im Weg. In einem Wasserschutzgebiet sollen Autos für ein kapitalistisches „weiter so“ produziert werden –
Since the night of February 28, the wooded area at Fangschleuse station next to the Tesla factory has been occupied. Around 100 people have built tree houses to protest against the planned expansion of the Tesla factory and for a socially and climate-friendly mobility transition. They are demanding an immediate halt to the expansion plans for the Tesla factory.
„We are standing in the way of the expansion of the Tesla car factory. Cars for a capitalist „business as usual“ are to be produced in a water conservation area – a highway to social climate catastrophe. Here in Grünheide, we are witnessing how the profits of a gigacorporation are being placed above the needs of people when resources such as water become scarce. For a world in which everyone can live well!“ @TeslaStoppen
Despite many attempts by the state government to ban the occupation, the administrative court ruled on March 19 that the water occupation may remain a legal assembly until May 20, 2024.
The water occupation has met with much approval and support from the population. There is a busy program of workshops, cultural events and information meetings. You can find out more about the water occupation on the Tesla Stop website.
The alliance Tesla den Hahn abdrehen stands in solidarity with the water occupation Tesla Stoppen. The alliance clearly supports the people who say „Tesla, no thanks“ here in the forest every day.
The creative and diverse protest around Hambach Forest was needed for the coal phase-out. For a globally just mobility transition and water protection, we now need creative and manifold protests in Grünheide.