Street Festival on 28 April 28, 3-7 p.m., Berlin Heinrichplatz
From the Amazon Tower in Berlin-Friedrichshain to fenced-in parks and the Kotti Wache in Berlin-Kreuzberg: the sell-out of the city to real estate and tech companies goes hand in hand with the repression of our open spaces. The Berlin car coalition has concrete dreams that go far beyond the Ringbahn: an entire region and its groundwater is now being sold off to the Tesla Group. Because car bosses and car politicians are making urban and regional policy for the profit of the few. Team Musk and Team Wegner are united in their racist worldviews and completely regressive policies.
No free spaces for car dreams, social answers instead of repression. We’ll be on the streets together against Tesla and car politics because we know better: E-SUVs, fenced neighborhoods and polluted water are neither the urban nor the regional policy we need. Come to Kreuzberg on April 28 for a concert, music and reading and make plans for an ecologically just city and a change in transportation.