The Water.Forest.Justice camp and the Water.Forest.Justice demonstration are places of protest against the expansion of the Tesla plant in Grünheide, for forest and water protection and for the democratic shaping of a future worth living.
Nevertheless, we know that the people taking part in this protest are also moved by other issues. These include the current escalation of the conflict in Israel/Palestine.
In the alliance „Tesla den Hahn abdrehen“, we mourn for the people who fell victim to the terrible massacre by Hamas on October 7, 2023. And we mourn the Palestinian civilians who are dying in the horrific war in Gaza.
Positions that deny the suffering of any of these groups have no place in our places of protest. We want everyone to feel comfortable at our camp, including people with personal connections and concerns. There is no place for racist or anti-Semitic behavior at our camp.
We invite all camp visitors to see the camp as a self-organized space for exchange and understanding in good will. We should show a willingness to listen to and respect each other beyond our own backgrounds. For us, this means approaching topics questioningly and respecting the boundaries that are communicated.
We want to contribute to this with exchange spaces at the camp, which we will announce in the program and to which we invite you to get into conversation with each other.