
  • Review of the Water Forest Justice Days

    Review of the Water Forest Justice Days

    We are at a critical point in the fight against the expansion of the Tesla car factory in Grünheide. Despite a clear rejection by 62.1% of the population, the local council voted for the development plan on Thursday, May 16th. This decision not only ignores the democratic vote, but also endangers our drinking water.But our…


  • Forest walk to Tesla

    Forest walk to Tesla

    Come to the monthly forest walk with BI Grünheide and find out more about the latest developments in the Tesla case: When will the factory expansion take place? What are Tesla’s clearing plans? What developments are there in working conditions in the gigafactory? And above all: How dangerous is Tesla for our drinking water supply…


  • Water. Forest. Justice. For a mobility transition beyond Tesla.

    Water. Forest. Justice. For a mobility transition beyond Tesla.

    Come to the camp und protest weekend in Grünheide from May 8 – 12, 2024! You can find more information about the camp here! The Tesla car company wants to expand its factory in Grünheide and double production to at least 1 million cars per year. We oppose this, because the factory is located in…


  • Flying kites in front of the factory gate of Tesla

    Flying kites in front of the factory gate of Tesla

    On Friday, May 10th, we will take our protest to the factory gate of Tesla to show: Come to the Tesla factory with us on Friday, May 10th from 9am to 6pm. We want to make our protest visible and start a conversation with each other. From 12am we will make kites together, which we…


  • Demonstration Water Forest Justice

    Demonstration Water Forest Justice

    The local council wants to vote on a development plan on May 16th, which the vast majority of people in Grünheide voted against. The slight changes to the B plan are a huge and blatant eyewash. The forest and drinking water continue to be endangered by the planned Tesla expansion.Tesla den Hahn abdrehen is therefore…


  • This concerns all of us! Info event about the fights against Tesla

    This concerns all of us! Info event about the fights against Tesla

    May 3rd | 6pm | Kiezraum at the Dragonerareal (Mehringdamm, behind the tax office) ❗Tesla wants to expand its factory in Grünheide and double production – we have to stop this ❗ Sometimes we only become aware of a political dispute when it’s already too late. We are moving towards distribution battles for water and…


  • Demonstration in Potsdam

    Demonstration in Potsdam

    Tesla Stop! Solidarity with the forest occupation in Grünheide Turn off the tap on capitalism. Tesla wants to expand the factory area in Grünheide by 100 hectares. To achieve this, around 50 more hectares of forest are to be cleared. The Tesla factory was built in the water protection area. An expansion of the factory…


  • Our Block, our  Park, our Water | Street Festival against Tesla and Car politics

    Our Block, our Park, our Water | Street Festival against Tesla and Car politics

    Street Festival on 28 April 28, 3-7 p.m., Berlin Heinrichplatz From the Amazon Tower in Berlin-Friedrichshain to fenced-in parks and the Kotti Wache in Berlin-Kreuzberg: the sell-out of the city to real estate and tech companies goes hand in hand with the repression of our open spaces. The Berlin car coalition has concrete dreams that…


  • Water Occupation Tesla Stoppen

    Water Occupation Tesla Stoppen

    „Wir stehen der Erweiterung der Tesla-Autofabrik im Weg. In einem Wasserschutzgebiet sollen Autos für ein kapitalistisches „weiter so“ produziert werden – Since the night of February 28, the wooded area at Fangschleuse station next to the Tesla factory has been occupied. Around 100 people have built tree houses to protest against the planned expansion of…
