The local council wants to vote on a development plan on May 16th, which the vast majority of people in Grünheide voted against. The slight changes to the B plan are a huge and blatant eyewash. The forest and drinking water continue to be endangered by the planned Tesla expansion.
Tesla den Hahn abdrehen is therefore calling for a “Water. Forest. Justice”. Come to Grünheide to protest for a traffic turnaround beyond Tesla! At the “Tesla, Nein Danke” demo on March 10th we have already broken the thousand mark. Let’s get even louder and louder on May 11th! Stand up with us for democracy over profit interests! We look forward to taking to the streets with you for water justice.
You can also come from Berlin by bike at 11:30 at Rummelsburger Bucht
When? Saturday, May 11th from 2 p.m
Where? Start Bahnhof Fangschleuse, Grünheide (20 minutes with RE1 from Ostkreuz)
Call from the alliance Tesla den Hahn abdrehen: Bürgerinitiative Grünheide, Interventionistische Linke Berlin, Left Ecological Association, Sand im Getriebe Berlin, Solidarisches Potsdam, TOP B3rlin, Perspektive Selbstverwaltung, Anti Atom Plenum Berlin, Extinction Rebellion, Wald statt Asphalt, Wassertafel Berlin-Brandenburg, Ende Gelände Berlin, Robin Wood, Linksjugend Solid.
The demonstration is also being organized by: attac Berlin, Berliner Wassertisch, BI Wuhlheide, Freilauf, myGruni, Quartiersmanagement Grunewald, Stop Fossil Subsidies, FFF Berlin, BUNDjugend.