Kategorie: englisch

  • Review of the Water Forest Justice Days

    Review of the Water Forest Justice Days

    We are at a critical point in the fight against the expansion of the Tesla car factory in Grünheide. Despite a clear rejection by 62.1% of the population, the local council voted for the development plan on Thursday, May 16th. This decision not only ignores the democratic vote, but also endangers our drinking water. But…

  • Forest walk to Tesla

    Forest walk to Tesla

    Come to the monthly forest walk with BI Grünheide and find out more about the latest developments in the Tesla case: When will the factory expansion take place? What are Tesla’s clearing plans? What developments are there in working conditions in the gigafactory? And above all: How dangerous is Tesla for our drinking water supply…

  • Water. Forest. Justice. For a mobility transition beyond Tesla.

    Water. Forest. Justice. For a mobility transition beyond Tesla.

    Come to the camp und protest weekend in Grünheide from May 8 – 12, 2024! You can find more information about the camp here! The Tesla car company wants to expand its factory in Grünheide and double production to at least 1 million cars per year. We oppose this, because the factory is located in…