
  • Participate: Please enter in this participation tool when you have time, which tasks you would like to take on and which you definitely don’t want to take on, whether you can provide a car, driving license or other potentially useful things. If you would like to support spontaneously or have any questions, please contact the information point: +491774284796
  • Financial resources: Unfortunately, our project also requires financial resources. You can support the camp and the resistance against Tesla with a donation. We are happy about large and small donations! The account details will follow shortly
  • Co-organise on site: We will organise on site as democratically as possible. This also includes jointly supporting the care work. This means that there will be the opportunity to sign up for shifts on site (e.g. chopping vegetables, childcare etc.).
  • Assembly and Disassembly: You can arrive from 5 May to help us set up. We hope to manage the disassembly in 3 days, so we need a lot of support there as well. If possible, please plan this into your schedule!